William C. C. Chen's Tai Chi Form and Workshops
This page is a special subscription-only access to instructional and practical demonstrations by
Besides helping you understand the basics of the Tai Chi form, these videos offer glimpses into master Chen's specialty, teaching the connection between the Tai Chi form and achieving great speed and power for self defense. View rare film of Cheng Man-Ching teaching push-hands and sword form in class, some never seen before, Dr. Tao doing push-hands with students, and Max and Tiffany Chen with their many talents. Watch Josh Waitzkin doing push hands and Ken Van Sickle instructing the sword form
Additional expert content and great moments will be added regularly. There is no advertising on any video or article. There is one $29.00 fee for the year of unlimited viewing.
Feel free to scroll down and pick your favorite interest. Unlimited streaming to PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone and iTouch browsers. No app needed and no ads shown.
DVD trailer showing Tai Chi boxing, pushing, and form
To subscribe and watch this clip of William Chen in action, click on picture
60 movements of Tai Chi Chuan by William C. C. Chen (1993)
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Tai Chi is an ancient martial art system for health and self-defense, promoting spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. The Yang style form, shown here, is slow, gentle, even flowing and relaxing. It has a reputation of being excellent for stress reduction, self centering and living a more enjoyable life. In its many variations, the Yang style Tai Chi form (exercize) is the most widely practiced in the world. Grandmaster Chen is one of the world's preeminent Tai Chi teachers, a senior disciple of the legendary grandmaster, Professor Cheng Man-Ching, who, in turn, studied with Yang Cheng-fu, the most prominent modern descendent of Yang Lu-chan, the founder of the Yang style. |
To subscribe and watch William Chen's Yang Short form, click on picture
Workshop by William C. C. Chen in Hanover - short
![]() Clips from one of Master Chen's Body Mechanics workshops in Germany. |
He demonstrates: Expanding your energy and making use of your opponents force to push Driving energy from your chest walls ("heart") for a two-handed strike Connecting to your inner thigh and alternating between loose and tense to create high speed hooks. |
To subscribe and watch this clip of William Chen in action, click on picture
"Fingers are the Work of Art", article by William C. C. Chen (2012)
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Master Chen describes the importance to Tai Chi and sports in general of directly connecting to the fingers. He explains how all movements are led by the fingers, and their role in achieving maximum punching speed and power. | >
To subscribe and download this article by William Chen, click on picture
(This is a downloadable PDF file. It's OK to give your browser permission to view.)
"The Challenge of Tai Chi Chuan", articles by William C. C. Chen (1974)
To subscribe and download this article by William Chen, click on picture(This is a downloadable PDF file. It's OK to give your browser permission to view.)
Instructional video trailer from Tiffany Chen
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Some clips of Tiffany doing the form and shadow boxing. She talks about her growing interest in Tai Chi and the martial arts competitions she's won. Tiffany has been inducted into Inside Kung-Fu Magazine's "Hall of Fame". |
To subscribe and watch this clip of Tiffany Chen in action, click on picture
60 movements of Tai Chi Chuan by William C. C. Chen (1993)
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Through the use of a split screen, Master Chen makes it easier to understand the correct positions for hands and feet. In addition, he counts out each of the movements to correspond with the pictures in his book. The Yang Short Form is broken into two parts (A and B), so that beginners can learn Part A first. This consists of the first quarter (or so) of the entire short form and has the most basic, simple moves. |
To subscribe / watch split screen Tai Chi form, Part A, click on picture
To watch split screen Tai Chi form, Part B, click here
To watch split screen Tai Chi form from behind, Part A, click here
To watch split screen Tai Chi form from behind, Part B, click here
60 movements of Tai Chi Chuan by William C. C. Chen (1993)
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Master Chen narrates alternating "wake up" and "fall asleep" instructions that correspond to the breathing and energy pattern of the Tai Chi form. "Fall asleep" is when you exhale and relax the most (Yin), and "wake up" is when you inhale and expand your energy (Yang). The coordination of slow movement and deep relaxed breathing helps explain the medical research findings that the Tai Chi form promotes blood circulation, increases the oxygen level throughout the body, and enhances the body's healing systems. Tai Chi has a reputation not only for being safe at any age, but also of slowing the aging process itself. |
To subscribe / watch Tai Chi form with breath hints, from behind, click picture
To watch credits for this DVD (clip with Tiffany and Max Chen), click here
Tai Chi sword movements with English names
The double-edged Chinese sword lends itself naturally to the principles of Tai Chi because it is not designed to meet force with force. Instead, the sword is used to deflect, avoid, and redirect blows - before delivering a slash or stab of its own. This was the weapon of choice for many famous generals and scholars.
From: William C. C. Chen (DVD) (00:05:30)
To subscribe and watch Grandmaster Chen's Sword Form, click on picture
The fist takes the shock
To subscribe and watch Grandmaster Chen's class, click on picture
Empty the chest. Stay loose. Don't push
From: William C. C. Chen (00:04:20)
To subscribe and watch Grandmaster Chen's class, click on picture
Don't clench your fist
From: William C. C. Chen (00:08:23)
To subscribe and watch Grandmaster Chen's class, click on picture
Sink down, relax, use your toe to spin your fingers
From: William C. C. Chen (00:10:56)
To subscribe and watch Grandmaster Chen's class, click on picture
Click here and then click on "How To Punch"
And a few more....
In these videos, Nils Klug goes through Grandmaster William C. C. Chen's entire 60-step Yang Tai Chi form, demonstrating martial arts applications. Many have practical use in self defense, and all applications help give a better understanding of the mechanics of generating force and the proper shape for each movement. Nils has studied with Grandmaster Chen for over 25 years, runs a Tai Chi school in Germany, and organizes Tai Chi master classes and push hands competitions.
Detailed instruction of alternative martial arts uses
Movements: (1. Preparation;) 2. Beginning; 3. Ward off with left hand; 4. Ward off with right hand; 5. Roll away = pull back; 6. Press; 7. Push
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From: Nils Klug (Forms & Applications DVD) (00:03:38)
To subscribe / watch this clip, click on either picture
Detailed instruction of alternative martial arts uses
Movements: 8. Single whip; 9. Lifting the hands; 10. Shoulder strike; 11. White crane spreads its wings; 12. Cross over the knee and step; 13. Playing the guitar; (14. Cross over the knee and step;) 15. Step up, deflect, intercept and punch; 16. Get the needle at the sea bottom
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From: Nils Klug (Forms & Applications DVD) (00:10:05)
To subscribe / watch this clip, click on any picture
See More...
Army Rangers train in Gracie family jiu jitsu
Army Rangers train in Gracie-style Brazilian jui jitsu at Fort Benning, GA. Instructor Staff Sergeant Matt Larsen explains how learning hand-to-hand combat helps to develop fighting strategy, a vital battlefield skill.
From: Pacific Street Films (DVD) (00:03:51)
Savate combines the kicks of Chinese martial arts and English boxing
This segment explores the origin and development of Savate (French kickboxing). It features Nicolas Saignac, a French Cup Champion, who teaches in the Los Angeles California area. We learn about Professor Saignac's early training and fights in France and the need to overcome fear and gain confidence.
From: Pacific Street Films (DVD) (00:03:06)
To subscribe / watch Nicolas Saignac in "Martial Arts: The Real Story", click on picture
The complete DVD of Pacific Street Films' special "Martial Arts: The Real Story" (2000) is presented here. Some of it has never been seen before, including silent newsreels of judo demonstrations in Europe; black and white film of famous masters of the Chinese "soft" arts performing in Taiwan, even footage of the most famous Tai Chi practitioner, Chen Man Ching.
Why do people study the martial arts?
This special starts with video clips of martial artists in action and interviews with experts about the different reasons that people study the martial arts.
From: Pacific Street Films (DVD) (00:02:22)
To subscribe / watch all the segments of "Martial Arts: The Real Story", click on picture
What's behind a martial art that emphasizes internal energy and relaxation?
This segment introduces the "internal" martial art of Tai Chi Chuan, starting with demonstrations by Chen Yuen San, a master from Taiwan. Experts, including Robert Smith, a CIA officer well known for his martial arts writing, discuss "chi" ("internal energy"). There's footage of 20th Century masters, Wong Shu Jin and Cheng Man Ching, shown doing the form and pushing hands with a young William C. C. Chen.
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From: Pacific Street Films (00:07:18)
To subscribe / watch "Martial Arts: The Real Story", click on either picture
How the tassle adds to Tai Chi Sword Form training
As he goes through the Tai Chi sword form, Master Ken Van Sickle explains the point of using the tassle with the sword. When the sword form is done correctly, the tassle won't slap your wrist, get tangled, or hang limp, and doing the form (and fencing) with a tassle is an advanced technique for further improving Tai Chi skill.
From: Ken Van Sickle and Joseph Zeisky (Feather Sword DVD) (00:02:16)
To subscribe / watch clips of Ken Van Sickle's Tai Chi sword, click on picture
For loosening the shoulders, elbows, and wrists, while strengthening the body
Master Ken Van
Sickle shows a
exercise for
speeding up
sword movement
and increasing
its power while
staying relaxed
and fluid.
From: Ken Van Sickle and Joseph Zeisky (Feather Sword DVD) (00:00:33)
To subscribe / watch clips of Ken Van Sickle's Tai Chi sword instruction, click on picture
More videos from a senior instructor of Cheng Man-Ching's Sword Form
Master Ken Van
Sickle is a
leading expert
in the Yang
Sword Form. He
studied Tai Chi
Chuan with
Professor Cheng
Man-Ching for
eight years and
was his primary
photographer and
An experienced
martial artist,
who studied
saber fencing,
was an expert
marksman with
pistol and
rifle, and had
awards in
archery and Goju
karate, Master
Van Sickle was a
teacher for
Professor Cheng
until his death
in 1975 and
opened his own
school in 1980.
Learn more about Ken Van Sickle's other Tai Chi sword videos
Demonstrates ways to cause an opponent to lose their balance
Guru Mike Casto
teaches and
shows the
techniques for
disrupting an
balance. He
explains the use
of imaginary
triangles to
determine how to
direct a small
amount of force
to cause a major
loss of
Through examples
ranging from
take-downs to
pushes and leg
sweeps, Guru
Mike illustrates
basic principles
and moves that
can be
into any martial
From: Mike Casto (DVD) (00:20:02)
To subscribe / watch Mike Casto's balance disruption workshop, click on picture
More videos showing balance disruption and Filipino techniques
Guru Mike Casto
is a senior
instructor in
Filipino and
martial arts,
Eskrima (7th
Degree Black
Belt), Kali,
Pencak Silat,
and Sikal. He
specializes in
teaching joint
locks and
Learn more about Mike Casto's martial arts videos
More great martial arts and Tai Chi videos to come!
Daughter of Tai Chi master teaches Tai Chi and applies training
Learn more about Tiffany Chen's competition videos
Non-stop takedowns of a tough and aggressive opponent (2012-05-26)
Lots of exciting action in this 3-round mixed martial arts contest between Max Chen, (white and black trunks) and his Italian opponent (gold and black trunks).
Winner by unanimous decision, Max demonstrates a full gamut of smoothly-executed takedowns against a strong, determined opponent. The relaxed, smooth style reflects Max's early years of Tai Chi training under his father, Grandmaster William C.C. Chen, followed by Muay Thai training in Thailand.
To subscribe / watch this clip of Max Chen's fight (Round 1), click on picture
To watch this fight (Round 2), click here
To watch this fight (Round 3), click here
Highlight fights from the 2011 competition
At the 11th Wushu World Competition in Ankara, Turkey, Max (red trunks) won the bronze medal. Max wins the only medal for the USA in the kickboxing (sanda) events. This is the deciding bout, against Dubanevich Andrei (Belarus, black trunks).
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To subscribe / watch this clip of Max Chen's fight (vs. Belarus), click on picture
This is one of the preliminary
bouts from the the 11th Wushu
World Competition, between Max (black
shirt) and the Malaysian
contestant in the 70 kg
To subscribe / watch this clip of Max Chen's fight (vs. Malaysia), click on picture
Sudden K. O. ends this fight (2007-09-08)
Max Chen (in red) wins his spot
in the 9th World Wushu
Championships in Beijing by
spectacular knockout at the U.S.
Sanshou Team Trials in Lubbock,
Texas. While short and
one-sided, this fight is a good
showcase for Max's smooth,
mix-it-up style.
To subscribe / watch this clip of Max Chen's fight, click on picture
More great videos from Max Chen to come!
Learn more about Max Chen's mixed martial arts videos
A close fight with a tough and aggressive opponent (2012-03-12)
Non-stop action in this 4-round boxing contest between Tiffany Chen, (blue shirt) and Amanda Wang (gold shirt). Tiffany wins the semi finals of the 85th annual NY Daily News Golden Gloves.
To subscribe / watch this clip of Tiffany Chen's fight (Round 1), click on picture
To watch this fight (Round 2), click here
To watch this fight (Round 3), click here
To watch this fight (Round 4), click here
Wins award as best Lei Tai (raised platform) fighter
At the 1st World Kuoshu Championship in Sao Paolo, Brazil, Tiffany (yellow shirt, USA) won the gold medal. She pushed her opponent, Aimme Jurewicz (blue shirt, also USA) off the platform several times, showing effective application to fighting of her substantial Tai Chi push hands skills. Tiffany won a special award for Best Lai Tai Performance by a Female Athlete.
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To subscribe / watch this clip of Tiffany Chen's fight, click on either picture
An exciting fight with non-stop power punches and kicks
At the 8th Wushu World Competition in Hanoi, Vietnam, Tiffany won the silver medal. This is the final, and the winner was Ha Thi Hanh (Vietnam, black shirt). Out of 42 categories, Tiffany was one of only two silver medals, and the U.S. did not win any gold medals in this very tough competition.
To subscribe / watch this clip of Tiffany Chen's fight, click on picture
More great videos from Tiffany Chen to come!
Cheng Man-Ching's Videos and Workshops
This is the largest collection of videos on the web of Cheng Man-Ching in action,
including 3 of his rare DVDs. Professor Cheng Man-Ching (1902 - 1975) was one of the most
influential figures in the evolution of Tai Chi Chuan. He was trained in Chinese medicine,
taught poetry and art at leading colleges, and was a successful artist. In his twenties,
he developed lung disease and started studying Tai Chi. Around 1930, he began studying with
Yang Chengfu (1883 - 1936), the grandson of Yang Luchan (1799 - 1872), who founded Yang-style
Tai Chi Chuan. Through changes he made to the Yang Forms and his training of many world-renowned
masters, Professor Cheng played a pivotal role in improving and popularizing Tai Chi. Push-Hands workshop 1, 2, 3, a master tape, short form classes 1-6, and several sword workshop tapes. Professor Cheng gives detailed push hands instruction while demonstrating correct positioning, the techniques for pushing effectively, and the need for lightess, relaxation, and gradual movements. With some quick and lite strikes he shows how the principles tie into martial arts. Well-known senior Tai Chi instructors participating include Ed Young, Tam Gibbs, Ken Van Sickle, and Lou Kleinsmith. From: Cheng Man-Ching and Don Ethan Miller (Master Tapes DVD) (00:13:29) To subscribe and watch Professor Cheng in action, click here |
Protect yourself at all times but don't attack first
Dr. Tao explains and shows how "yielding while controlling" is the key to making push hands an effective martial arts training exercise. He emphasizes proper positioning and control of joints, understanding the best defensive locations for avoiding a direct attack, and letting your opponents ambition give you an opening.
From: Dr. Ping-Siang Tao (4 Postures DVD) (00:12:37)
To subscribe / watch clips of Dr. Tao's push hands, click on picture
Dr. Tao circulates through his class, correcting students as they push hands. He encourages them to make themselves open and receptive, so that they can practice yielding. He shows how to handle attacks by taking the opponent to one side or the other and by using the basic push hands "postures".
From: Dr. Ping-Siang Tao (4 Postures DVD) (00:09:47)
Josh Waitzkin's Push Hands Competitions
Chess master becomes world Tai Chi Push Hands champion
Josh Waitzkin - lots more videos
Match 1 of Chung Hwa Cup World Tai Chi Chuan Championship
Match 2 of Chung Hwa Cup World Tai Chi Chuan Championship
Match 3 of Chung Hwa Cup World Tai Chi Chuan Championship
Match 4 of Chung Hwa Cup World Tai Chi Chuan Championship
Final fixed step match of Chung Hwa Tai Chi Chuan competition
Final moving step match of Chung Hwa Tai Chi Chuan competition
Final moving step push hands contest (2003-11)
Semi final moving step push hands contest (Brazil, 2003-11)
2004 National Push Hands Championship Videos - At the National Push Hands Championship in Orlando Florida in July 2004, Josh won 5 Gold medals at different weight classifications. He also won 3 Silver medals (moving step, restricted step, and fixed step) when he competed in the super-heavyweight class. These entertaining and educational videos are an encyclopedia of push hands techniques done under the pressure of high-level competition.
Push Hands Training Videos
Learn more about videos of Josh Waitzkin's push hands competitions
Lots of great new videos, in case you haven't looked
Master Chen's complete Body
Mechanics DVD:
Ken Van Sickle's complete
Feather Sword DVD:
"Martial Arts: The Real Story"
a DVD from Pacific Street Films that includes a segment staring William, Max,
and Tiffany:
"Balance Disruption Workshop",
a DVD by a martial artist who teaches Filipino styles, and it contains
interesting material relevant to push hands: